Observe and defend

Power lines
just got

Is your grid smart enough?

We are securing power
by predicting tomorrow.

Are you relying on the solutions of yesterday to face the challenges of tomorrow?

The challenge

In a world that is changing at a rapid pace the ability to think ahead is increasingly valuable. The electric power consumption is constantly growing, the electricity mix is rapidly changing, and the climatic changes entails challenging conditions all around the globe.

The solution

Our solutions offer real time insights that could be crucial to secure the maximum security and efficiency of the power grid. Our patented robots monitor the power lines with a bundle of sensors and cameras to ensure that our clients are ahead of any challenge.
Why would you not have the current information?
Our system is the only complete solution for active monitoring and securing power grids. By leveraging Dynamic Line Rating technology, our clients can instantly monitor transmission capacity and accurately predict the future capacity.

Introducing the

The Observer is an advanced line monitoring unit, that offers power companies a comprehensive suite of tools designed to significantly improve grid reliability and boost power line capacity.

Introducing the

The Defender is a powerful and patented tool for line maintenance. In addition to the capabilities of the Observer it can remove snow and ice from power lines, and actively prevent line galloping.
Enhancing operational efficiency with local, real-time data
Grid monitoring is crucial to promptly detect and prevent threats to power grids.
Optimizing power line capacity
Real-time data enables optimal utilization of power line capacity by unlocking unused potential through dynamic line rating.
Facilitating the transition to renewable energy integration
Dynamic line rating solutions offer a promising fix to integrate renewable energy projects into the power grid efficiently.
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